Website Hosting - Selecting A Web Hosting Service II
When choosing a website hosting service one of the first issues you should deal with is the number of domains you anticipate you'll need. If you'll only need one domain, then you have no need to consider a reseller's hosting service, or one that allows you to host numerous domains within a single hosting account. You can save some money this way, and you'll likely make your purchase that much sooner. Lastly, you'll likely get your website up and running more quickly.
If you anticipate needing multiple domains, purchase a hosting account that leaves you some room to grow. By room I mean not only storage space and bandwidth, but also the ability to add at least five or ten domains more than your initial needs. As an internet entrepreneur you're almost surely going to require an extra domain or two or three to support each of your main websites. So, once again, make sure your account has some room for growth. You can, of course, purchase a second hosting account, but it'll be more economical if you can add your additional domains to your first account.
If your online business involves selling web hosting services to others, you'll need a reseller's account. Beyond storage an bandwidth concerns, pay close attention to the control panel (or administration panel) included with your plan. The two major commercial control panels are "cPanel" and "Plesk". I have more experience with cPanel and prefer it over Plesk. You control nearly all aspects of a single domain through the control panel. So you should be comfortable with the functionality and the layout of this fundamental interface.
As a website host reseller you create new domains within your reseller's account. You decide how much storage and bandwidth, or how many email accounts, databases, etc., are available to each domain. If your hosting service includes Plesk as the control panel, then Plesk will also be your interface for managing multiple domains. If cPanel is your control panel, then "WHM" (WebHost Manager) will be your interface for managing multiple domains. I like WHM and prefer it over Plesk.
In the follow-up article I'll discuss your needs for storage, website bandwidth, email, databases, and various programming features. If you would like to learn about setting up a blog on your own website, see my e-course WordPress Blogs for Home Based Business
Mike Doering is an internet entrepreneur with over 15 years experience in the computer industry. If you are interested in a learning how you can be making multiple thousand dollar checks every month, please visit his PassportGold site here
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